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Project 1 – pourous ENTITY


Project 1 requires all students to 3d model, and 3d print a ‘Porous Entity’. 3d model a part measuring at least 4 cu. in.; and begin preparing the file for 3d printing by using Catalyst EX and Rhino. Your part must be influenced/inspired by a photograph of your choice. Once the part is prepared; properly submit your print. You may print with plastic -or- plaster. Plaster is recommended.



Project must exhibit porous qualities. (holes, texture, bumps, waves)

Project must also utilize Design Intent and Inspiration.

Project file must be processed through Catalyst EX.

Project must be submitted by Due Date.

Project must measure equal to or more than 4 cu. in.

Project must be properly documented and submitted in Course Folder.



Printing with Plaster saves on final cost.

Parts should NOT measure less than 1/8″ at any juncture.

Tutorials are available here.

Plastic Printing Policy and Procedure is available here.

Plaster Printing Policy and Procedure is available here.



[via dfab server] Access ‘My Computer/dFAB Resources – Learning/Courses/digiTOOL/1_porousENTITY/5_SUBMIT’

1. Create a folder with your Andrew ID as the title

2. Submit your Rhino [.3dm] a & [.stl] File.

3. Submit your prepared Catalyst EX File.

4. Submit a dFab 3D Print Form.

5. Once printed, submit 5 semi-professional photographs of your work. (MONOCHROME BACKGROUNDS ONLY!) Include the image(s) you utilized as inspiration for this project.

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