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Project 4 – Texture Mapping


Project 4 requires all students to Vacuum Form their Project 3 ‘Texture Tiles. Using PolyStyrene, or P.E.T.G. Plastics, Vacuum Form your existing Texture Tiles from Project 3 using the small window.



Each Tile must be Vacuum Formed.

If working with a Partner, you must attempt at least (6) Vacuum Forms.

Project must be properly documented and submitted in Course Folder.



Drilling small holes (1/16″ or 1.5 mm) will allow the Vacuum to pull air through the ‘deeper’ portions of your tiles.

Cutting the Edges of your Tiles on a Table Saw, at a 45 Degree Angle, will allow for easier removal of Vacuum Formed Plastics.

Vacuum Forming Tutorials are available here.

Vacuum Former Policy and Procedure is available here.



[via dfab server] Access ‘My Computer/dFAB Resources – Learning/Courses/digiTOOL/2_porousENTITY/5_SUBMIT’

1. Create a folder with your Andrew ID as the title. If working with a partner, the format should be: ANDREWID_ANDREWID

2. Submit 5 semi-professional photographs of your work. (MONOCHROME BACKGROUNDS ONLY!)

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