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Vacuum Forming
dFAB’s Facilities include (1) Formech BM-660 Thermo-Former; also known as a ‘Vacuum Former’. The Vacuum Former features a large actuating work-zone; in which a positive or negative mold is placed. Molds can be made from MDF, wood, plywood, high strength foam or aluminum. After placing the mold, multi-zone ceramic heating elements heat low-temp Thermo-Plastic Sheets sitting high above the Mold, causing the Thermo-Plastic to change from a solid sheet- to a semi-malleable state. The operator will remove the heating elements from the Plastic Sheet, and actuate the work-zone table up, and into the heated plastic while simultaneously engaging the Vacuum Table. Once the mold pulls through the plastic, and the Vacuum is engaged, the Plastic then forms to the prepared mold. The Mold is then removed from the Plastic Sheet, leaving the User with a precisely replicated ‘shell’ of the mold. Traditionally, this equipment is utilized excessively in the Packaging Industry. Poly-Carbonate, Acrylic, PETG and Polystyrene produce the best results. Recommended temperature and time settings can be downloaded and/or found here.


The Vacuum Former is available to Students within an Architecture Undergraduate or Graduate Program that have attended a training session. Training sessions are available through available courses offered through dFAB. After training, Students are approved to create Equipment Reservations for Vacuum Forming Equipment. Equipment Policies and Procedures are posted here, but are also discussed during training.
Window Sizes: 26″x26″; 24″x24″ ; 11″x11″Maximum Depth: 14″Sheet Sizing: 27″x27″; 25″x25″; 12″x12″Sheet Thickness: <.25″
Important Notes:
1. The Vacuum Forming Equipment is for Academic Research & Coursework ONLY. ‘Buggy’ Parts and Fabrication are disallowed on this Equipment.2. Ensure all Sealed and/or Laminated Molds are dry before Vacuum Forming. (i.e. Clear Coats, Shellac, Wood Glue, Latex Paints)


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