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Sending a Print : Dimension 768-SST

1)      Details the Proper Steps to successfully send a print to the Dimension 768 ABS Plastic Printer.


i)        Insert .CMB (Toolpath) File

(1)    Open the Printing Application ‘Catalyst EX’

(2)    Scroll to the ‘PACK’ Tab at the top center of the Application Window.

(3)    Select the ‘INSERT .CMB’ Button near the top right and find the User’s .CMB (Toolpath) File.


ii)      Select ‘PRINT’ Button

(1)    Send the print by selecting the ‘PRINT’ Button at the bottom right of the Application Window.


iii)    Insert Clean Tray

(1)    Go to the Dimension Equipment, open the door and insert a new printing tray. You may also use a previously printed tray, as long as the tray is free from contaminates and Support material. Be sure to lock the tray into place.


iv)    ‘Material Load’

(1)    Check the Material Levels

(a)    In the Catalyst EX Application Window, under the ‘PACK’ Tab, it will indicate Material Levels beneath the Printer Name. On the far right hand side of the Application Window, in the ‘PACK DETAILS’ Area it will indicate the amount of material required to print the object(s). Do some simple math to find out if there is enough material for a complete print.

(2)    If there is enough Material for the entire Print:

(a)    Continue to the next step

(3)    If there is not enough material for the entire print:

(a)    You can still print the job. It will pause when the cartridge needs changing. This will lengthen the Print time.

(b)   If you would like the Print to complete without interruption, and the Levels are too Low; then you will have to Change a Cartridge. See the ‘Change Cartridge : Dimension 768-SST’ Procedure for the steps. Then return to this Procedure, and continue onto the next step.


v)      ‘Start Model’

(1)    If the tray is loaded, the Print has been sent, and you are satisfied with your material levels- you may press the ‘START MODEL’ Button on the Dimension Equipment.