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Changing Print Cartridges : Dimension 768-SST

1)      Details the proper procedures to change/switch an ABS Model Material Cartridge and/or a Support Material Cartridge. DO NOT OPEN THE DIMENSION EQUIPMENT DOOR AT ANY POINT DURING THIS PROCESS.


i)        ‘Material Load’

(1)    From the Dimension Equipment Interface, push the ‘MATERIAL LOAD’ Button.


ii)      Replace what?

(1)    The Interface will then prompt you to choose which cartridge you would like to replace:

(a)    “REPLACE MODEL (x%)?”

(i)      Select ‘YES’ if you would like to replace the Model Material Cartridge. (ABS Plastic)

(ii)    Select ‘NO’ if you only want to replace the Support Material Cartridge. (Soluble Support)


(i)      Select ‘YES’ if you would like to replace the Support Material Cartridge. (Soluble Support)

(ii)    Select ‘NO’ if you only want to replace the Model Material Cartridge. (ABS Plastic)


iii)    Unloading

(1)    The interface indicates its ‘UNLOADING’ procedure.

(a)    It takes approx. 1 minute to completely unload. You will hear the Cartridges ‘Click’  when they are ready to remove. The “LOAD MATERIAL” Screen will also prompt when to “REPLACE CARTRIDGE” –or- “REPLACE BOTH CARTRIDGES”.


iv)    Prepare Cartridge

(1)    Find a corresponding Cartridge to load. The boxes are labeled with the amount left in each cartridge, and what type of Cartridge it is.

(2)    If you are loading a previously used Cartridge:

(a)    Snip any excess material spooling out of the Material with the Red-Handle Wire Snips. (Located in the Dimension 768-SST Toolkit) DO NOT FEED MATERIAL BACK INTO THE CARTRIDGE! The end of the Spool should be even with the outside of the Cartridge Enclosure.

(3)    If you are loading a new Cartridge:

(a)    Remove Silver Packaging.

(b)   Turn and remove the ‘Red Lock Knob’ on the top of the Cartridge.

(c)    Snip any excess material spooling out of the Material with the Red-Handle Wire Snips. (Located in the Dimension 768-SST Toolkit) DO NOT FEED MATERIAL BACK INTO THE CARTRIDGE! The end of the Spool should be even with the outside of the Cartridge Enclosure.


v)      Replace Cartridge

(1)    Remove the old Cartridge:

(a)    If you let the “LOAD MATERIAL” , “REPLACE CARTRIDGE” Screen go for too long, it will change the interface to: “BOTH CARTRIDGES/CARTRIDGE NOT REPLACED OR INVALID”. Push the “RETRY” Button if this occurs.

(b)   When the Cartridge is ready to replace, you will hear a ‘Click’ sound.

(c)    Push the Cartridge inward, towards the machine and it will pop out. Remove the Cartridge and detail the amount leftover on its corresponding Box Label.

(2)    Insert the new Cartridge:

(a)    Take your prepared cartridge and push it into the corresponding slot. You will hear it ‘Click’ when it is inserted properly.

(b)   If the Cartridge does not remain in the slot, or you do not hear the click, then it is not loaded properly.


vi)    Load and Purge

(1)    Load Material

(a)    Once you have inserted your Cartridges successfully, push the ‘LOAD MATERIAL’ Button on the Dimension Interface. It will take approx. 1 minute to load.

(2)    Purge Process

(a)    Successful Purging

(i)      Pay attention to the printing heads inside of the Dimension Equipment. One will extrude ABS Plastic (MODEL) material from its head, while the other extrudes Brown Support. Both heads should extrude material successfully. If they both Purge, then push the ‘YES’ Button on the Dimension Interface.

(b)   IF You missed the Purge Process:

(i)      Push the ‘PURGE AGAIN’ Button

(c)    IF the Purge Process is Unsuccessful:

(i)      If you notice one head or both are not purging, push the ‘PURGE AGAIN’ Button.

(ii)    If the Purge is still unsuccessful, then leave the Equipment AS IS! It requires equipment troubleshooting from a trained professional.